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Sunday, May 31, 2015

Meet the Sewist: Laura Kasowitz, co-owner Hartford Stitch

Meet the Sewist is our monthly series to introduce some of the many creative sewists and makers we have in our community! Whether you are a new sewist or have decades of experience, sell your work or sew just for yourself, we want to meet you! If you're interested in being featured please send an email to hartfordstitch {at} gmail {dot} com.

Introduce yourself!
Hi, I'm Laura, co-owner of Hartford Stitch. I'm a former wedding planner, wife, and mama to two awesome kiddos (3 and 1). When I'm not sewing or hoarding fabric I love traveling with my family, collecting vintage cookbooks and depression glassware and entertaining. I'm so excited to be sharing my love of sewing with this community!

It was super awkward to take a photo of me, but this blue vintage voile Sara and I rescued from a basement helped a little!

When did you start sewing?
My mom taught me to sew when I was little with simple pillows that I would decorate with fabric crayons. I didn't sew again until Home Ec class in high school and I loved it! I had to beg her to let me continue with a "Clothing and Design" class and the rest is history!

Lap size Diamond Quilt from Film in the Fridge Tutorial

What do you like about sewing/making?
Quick heads up: this is about to be really sappy! I come from a family of makers so the need to create runs deep. I love trying out all kinds of crafts, but fabric just makes my soul happy. Textiles in general make me downright giddy (when Sara and I went to Osgood's in Springfield we were pretty much delirious!!). I love the perfection of a yard of cloth, the potential in planning, the act of sewing and the anticipation of giving or using the final product. I love that whatever I sew can be used to keep someone warm, express their style, or just be functional.

Basket of quilts in my living room

What is your favorite thing to sew? Least favorite?
I mostly sew quilts but in the past year I started to sew bags and garments as well. Quilts are fun long term projects, but my sewing time comes in fits and bursts so clothes and bags get finished quicker. I despise sewing curtains. I'll sew them before I buy them, but I find it so tedious.

Wiksten tank from vintage voile

Where do you sew? Tell us about your sewing space.
Once upon a time I had a studio in our attic, but it was recently converted to a playroom and I took over a small corner. Now I have a set up in our dining room on our huge barn wood table (my husband and I come from big families so dinners of 12 people aren't uncommon!). While it was nice to have a dedicated space, I also like being able to work around my kids. I'm sewing mostly on my Singer Athena which sits on top of "Verna" my White 77 Rotary Series cabinet. I just inherited a Bernina from my Grandmother and I can't wait to fire her up!

I swore I would never make hexies, but I've jumped on the bandwagon and they are addicting!

What other kind of making do you like to do?
I started knitting last year and can get a bit obsessive with it. Most of my making is with textiles... screen printing, embroidery and hopefully batik and shabori dyeing soon! I have all the supplies but haven't had the time!

Some of my original designs screen printed on tea towels for sale at my dad's store, Reeds, in Glens Falls, NY.

Where do you find your inspiration?
I'm not embarrassed to say that a lot of my inspiration comes from Pinterest and Instagram. There are so many creative people out there and I love taking bits and pieces from what other people do and make it my own. When it comes to colors and patterns, I find the most inspiration comes from within (wow, that's super cheesy!). It took me a long time but I've learned that if I trust my gut when choosing colors and patterns, I love the final product!

A paper pieced quilt I made for Sara for the birth of her second daughter. Lilly fabric isn't my jam, but I sucked it up! :)

Thanks for letting me share part of my sewing story with you! We'd love to hear about you so please drop us a line at hartfordstitch{at}gmail{dot}com!!