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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Give the Gift of Sewing!

The holidays are almost upon us (seriously, even though I'm writing this on my back porch enjoying warm weather-- November is in 2 weeks!) and that means you're probably starting to think about the holidays and gift giving (ok, I started back in July). I love giving gifts and I do my best to follow certain guidelines: 
  1. Make it handmade if I have time (hence starting in July).
  2. Buy it local if I can't make it, 
  3. Buy it from a small business if it's not produced locally, and if all else fails..
  4. Make sure it's something they really, really want. 
This year though, I'm putting something at the top of that list: Something I can do WITH my loved ones.

Because here's my truth (and maybe yours?): I don't remember what I got for Christmas last year. If I thought hard enough about it I could locate a couple of items. Instead, I remember playing "Heads Up" with my family after the kids went to sleep and laughing so hard my stomach hurt the next morning.
I don't remember the tchotchkes we bought my brothers (14 and 16 years my junior) when they were little but I do remember going bowling with them and the smile that lit up the youngest one's face when I let him have an orange soda.
I remember a bread baking class with my step-mother. I remember details of trips to NYC with mom at Christmastime. I remember the first UCONN basketball game I went to with my husband (also a Christmas gift).
You don't remember the "stuff". You remember the time you spend with your loved ones. You remember doing and making and laughing and relaxing.

The holidays are crazy. We make them crazy with shopping and entertaining and running around. Wouldn't it be nice if instead of focusing on gifts of stuff we focused on gifts of our time and time together? On giving an experience and making memories?
This isn't a totally altruistic post, of course. We offer you an opportunity to do just that! When you're rushing around figuring out what to do for your loved ones, consider a sewing party. Whether it's in the comfort of your own home or at one of our partner venues, you get to gather your friends and family together, learn something new, create some memories and have some fun.

As with all of our parties: we supply everything including the sewing machines, tools, materials, patterns and instruction! Your guests get to choose their fabric and we pre-cut and prep everything so that at the party they can get right to the fun stuff- sewing! No experience is necessary and we every guest we've had has been thrilled with what they made, and impressed that they made it on their own!

Parties are available for up to 9 people in the comfort of your own home or at one of our partner venues. Here are several of the project options we have for you to choose from-- or we can come up with something just for you!

If the thought of adding one more thing to your plate in December is making your eyes cross, don't worry! Do what our other customers have done and plan your party for January or February. Book it now, "give" it at the holidays (we'll make a up a card for you to print and give) and enjoy the time together when everyone at the start of the New Year (when it's cold and dark and you need a pick me up anyways!).

We only book a limited number of parties each month so contact us soon to reserve your spot!

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