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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Gifts for (Aspiring) Sewists - The Machine

I was planning on waiting until after Thanksgiving to start our Gifts for Sewists posts, but I've had a lot of inquiries about machines in the past week, so we're bumping this one up!

The links below are Amazon Affiliate Links, but every item I recommend is because I wholeheartedly believe it's worth your money. I won't ever recommend something that I haven't personally tried out or own. I'm not compensated in any way by the makers of these products, just a sewing nerd that wants everyone to have good stuff!

So first up... THE MACHINE.

Machines are pretty personal and experienced sewists have major brand loyalty. I've always sewn on a Singer and think they are fantastic machines. At our classes and parties I exclusively use the Singer Heavy Duty and I recommend it for any beginner sewist.

Why I love it:
  • It's durable. We schlep these ladies from class to party to my house and back to classes all the time. They stand up beautifully. You may not be moving yours around that much, but it's good to have a machine that won't get all finicky on you as you learn.
  • It's basic. There aren't a lot of bells and whistles to this machine. It's mechanical so there's no computer to break which means the repair costs, if and when you need them, will be significantly less.
  •  It's has all the necessary stitches: straight stitch, stretch stitches (good for sewing garments), decorative stitches and a 4 step buttonholer. 
  • It's heavy duty. This kind of goes along with durable, but it also means that when you're testing it's limits and shoving multiple layers of canvas through it-- it will hold up. I want new sewists to be adventurous and creative and not worry too much about what their machine can handle. This machine can handle it. (I tried sewing a couple of layers of leather... THAT it didn't like, but that's the extent of it). 
  • It's great for all ages. We have kids and adults sew on these machines. It's tempting to by ones that are marketed to kids, but they aren't always a high quality and this is a machine they will have for years. 


Once you get the machine, you need to learn how to use it-- Big surprise! We can help with that too!

Starting in the New Year we're going to have monthly Machine 101 classes for both Adults (13+) and Kids (8+). This 2-2.5 hour class will give you everything you need to get your machine up and running.

Here's an overview of what we'll cover:
  • The anatomy of a machine and what each part does.
  • How to select a needle, thread, and fabric.
  • How to wind a bobbin and thread your machine.
  • How to adjust tension, stitch selection, stitch length and stitch width.
  • Basic troubleshooting.
  • How to change a needle and presser foot.
  • Finish up by practicing your new skills with a starter project. For kids it will be the pillows below and for adults, the drawstring bags shown in the machine photo above!

 Taking our Machine 101 class also allows you to take our other class offerings (and we're going to have a lot in the New Year!). Of course you can take them without the 101 class, but you'll need to have equivalent experience.


By the first week of December we're aiming to have a brand new website open with DIRECT REGISTRATION! It's going to be so easy for you to see all of our classes and easily register for the one you want. If you're not already on our mailing list, please consider signing up HERE and you'll be notified as soon as registration is open (and about other fun happenings).

For the machine, please consider purchasing using the link below (again, the Affiliate thing). If you plan on transporting your machine anywhere (say, to a Machine 101 class) then I also suggest you purchase a carrying case. They're basic, but again very sturdy, and the ones we use for the class machines.

Of course you need some more than a machine! There are some seriously great tools and books out there and I'll be covering all of them in upcoming posts.  

If you have any questions at all about these or our classes, please send me an email at hartfordstitch {at}gmail {dot}com and I'd be happy to help!

Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

November's Simple Sewing: Thanksgiving Napkins

Sometimes you just need a really simple project with big impact. A project that doesn't require a ton of measurements or fiddly seams or checking directions 100 times. These napkins are it for this month. I'm not going to say they're quick because I made a dozen and that took awhile, but they are simple-- and 4 wouldn't take long to make at all!

So why did I need this simple project? I get to host Friendsgiving this year!! See my happy dance?? For the past few years Sara has hosted a Thanksgiving feast for our friends-- and when I say host, I mean HOST. She cooks the entire meal and I sneak in a cheesecake at the end. Due to scheduling issues this year I get to take over and I'm psyched and obviously needed new napkins.

12 napkins required a yard of 6 different fabrics. These are about 16" square. I went to my favorite discount fabric store, Affordable Fabrics in Rocky Hill (only $2.99 a yard!), to stock up. They still had some of these great shot cottons in stocks and a nice selection of looser weave plaids so I picked up 3 colors of the plaid and 3 colors of the shot. Plaids aren't usually  my thing but they kind of screamed "Thanksgiving" so they had to come home with me.
I won't provide a tutorial, because Purl Soho, per usual, has created a wonderful one with their Running Stitch Napkins. The only thing I did differently was to serge the two sides together. The loose weave of both of these fabrics means a lot of fraying in the wash so this should help a little.

My original plan was to do a running stitch with gold embroidery thread, but time is running out so I settled with a copper metallic thread in my machine. It's not the same impact, but makes the napkin a little fancy.


Now to start defrosting that 20lb turkey... (the salted caramel cheesecake with smoked almond crust is already done!)

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

A Little Halloween Sewing

(Warning: Blogspot is getting antsy over any attempt I have at formatting today-- so I apologize in advance for screwiness!)

Woo hoo! Halloween is over! Am I the only one who feels that way? I don't know why, but Halloween just isn't my favorite holiday. I love how excited the kids get. I love sewing their costumes. I loved the little parade at my son's preschool, but that's the extent of it. Halloween decorations aren't my jam and there's only so much candy I can stuff myself with these days. 

But like I said, I do LOVE sewing the costumes. Usually I start in August so there's no mad rush in October-- especially since I should be well on to Christmas sewing by now. But at 3.5 years old, my son has adopted the spirit of Halloween and realized all the costume options out there so nailing one down was rough.

We spent a good month arguing whether or not he could be Batman. I wanted just one more year where the costume wasn't a "Character". So we struck a deal that next year he could be any character he wanted if this year he chose something else. He chose a scarecrow for him and a crow his little sister (win one for Mom).

I have a tendency to go bigger than necessary, so I thought I'd give myself a break this year and buy the shirt and overalls from a consignment store. My 3.5 year old wears 5T and apparently it's impossible to find overalls in that size. I had some canvas duck left over from a different project and a pajama pant pattern in his size so I ended up making some simple overalls. 

I planned on buying a straw hat, but he was very specific that a scarecrow has a pointy hat that's falling over. So there you go. 

And the hay. My original attempt didn't give him nearly enough hay to his liking, so back to the sewing machine to add more felt. 

The crow was a little more straightforward. I had some black jersey in my stash so I whipped up a pair of a leggings and found a black long sleeve shirt at a consignment store. The feathers are felt sewn on to a felt backing and attached at the sleeves and back of the neck (later removed so the shirt could still be worn). The feather tutu wasn't a big hit and I didn't even bother with a headpiece since I knew it wouldn't stay on.

She got the feel of things towards the end and would "fly" around by request.

This was the first year that my son really got into Trick-or-treating and the idea of candy. I thought it only fitting to whip up some trick or treat bags.

When my son was an infant I printed this fabric to make a play mat and then got distracted and it's been up in my studio ever since. This seemed like a perfect application for the pattern. I cut out basic 10" x 13" rectangles and the kids helped with all the sewing.

As no good deed goes unpunished, they spent most of the time fighting over who's turn it was to sit on my lap in the chair, but they really did an excellent job! Obviously all the sewing was hand over hand, but they have mastered the presser foot lever, reverse button and hand wheel! My son calls it his "sewing classes" and told me he's ready to join me teaching my other classes.

How was your Halloween? Any handmade costumes out there? We'd love to see them!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

#StitchMyHartOut Contest: Win a Sewing Party!!

I'm so excited to announce our newest contest because it gives you a discount on your next Sip & Sew Party with us AND a chance to win a Private Sewing Party just in time for the holidays!

How to Enter:
1. Post a photo on Facebook or Instagram of something you made in one of our classes or parties. Tag it with @hartfordstitch and #StitchMyHartOut. If your account is private, take a screen shot of it and email it to us at hartfordstitch@gmail.com for an entry. Do this and you'll get $5 off your next Sip & Sew Event!

2.  Of course, you don't have to purchase anything--- shoot us an email with the subject line: Contest Entry and we'll throw your hat in the running for the Grand Prize.

The contest starts October 29th 12amEDT and runs until November 30th 11:59pm EST.

1 winner will be randomly selected from all entries after the close of deadline.

The Prize:
The winner will receive a Private Sewing Party at winner's residence (party at a partner venue may be available; winner will be required to pay upgrade fee) for up to 4 people (ages 8+) PLUS a $10 project allowance per person!! Party must be scheduled between December 1, 2015 and February 28, 2016. *Please see official rules for all the details!

We can't wait to see you using what you've sewn with us and to see you again soon!

Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Give the Gift of Sewing!

The holidays are almost upon us (seriously, even though I'm writing this on my back porch enjoying warm weather-- November is in 2 weeks!) and that means you're probably starting to think about the holidays and gift giving (ok, I started back in July). I love giving gifts and I do my best to follow certain guidelines: 
  1. Make it handmade if I have time (hence starting in July).
  2. Buy it local if I can't make it, 
  3. Buy it from a small business if it's not produced locally, and if all else fails..
  4. Make sure it's something they really, really want. 
This year though, I'm putting something at the top of that list: Something I can do WITH my loved ones.

Because here's my truth (and maybe yours?): I don't remember what I got for Christmas last year. If I thought hard enough about it I could locate a couple of items. Instead, I remember playing "Heads Up" with my family after the kids went to sleep and laughing so hard my stomach hurt the next morning.
I don't remember the tchotchkes we bought my brothers (14 and 16 years my junior) when they were little but I do remember going bowling with them and the smile that lit up the youngest one's face when I let him have an orange soda.
I remember a bread baking class with my step-mother. I remember details of trips to NYC with mom at Christmastime. I remember the first UCONN basketball game I went to with my husband (also a Christmas gift).
You don't remember the "stuff". You remember the time you spend with your loved ones. You remember doing and making and laughing and relaxing.

The holidays are crazy. We make them crazy with shopping and entertaining and running around. Wouldn't it be nice if instead of focusing on gifts of stuff we focused on gifts of our time and time together? On giving an experience and making memories?
This isn't a totally altruistic post, of course. We offer you an opportunity to do just that! When you're rushing around figuring out what to do for your loved ones, consider a sewing party. Whether it's in the comfort of your own home or at one of our partner venues, you get to gather your friends and family together, learn something new, create some memories and have some fun.

As with all of our parties: we supply everything including the sewing machines, tools, materials, patterns and instruction! Your guests get to choose their fabric and we pre-cut and prep everything so that at the party they can get right to the fun stuff- sewing! No experience is necessary and we every guest we've had has been thrilled with what they made, and impressed that they made it on their own!

Parties are available for up to 9 people in the comfort of your own home or at one of our partner venues. Here are several of the project options we have for you to choose from-- or we can come up with something just for you!

If the thought of adding one more thing to your plate in December is making your eyes cross, don't worry! Do what our other customers have done and plan your party for January or February. Book it now, "give" it at the holidays (we'll make a up a card for you to print and give) and enjoy the time together when everyone at the start of the New Year (when it's cold and dark and you need a pick me up anyways!).

We only book a limited number of parties each month so contact us soon to reserve your spot!

Monday, October 12, 2015

Shibori Dress

In September I went to New York City for a day to take a shibori/indigo dyeing class with French General. I have had a indigo dyeing kit sitting in my studio for a year but I've been too afraid to use it, so I figured I needed a push in the right direction.

Everyone that had taken the class before said that last time they had all these dyeing plans but never did it again and I was determined that I wouldn't suffer the same fate. So the next day I ordered this glorious rayon lawn from Dharma Trading, intent on sewing myself a dress for a wedding that was exactly one month away (nothing like a little ambition).

Do you see that swirly mound of amazingness up there? 4 yards of gloriously white and billowy rayon. I wish I had a video of how swooshy and gorgeous it was. Previously I had no idea what rayon was, except that it was good for garments. Luckily, Dharma Trading is fantastic at explaining what you're buying and this is how they define it:
 "Rayon is a by-product of the wood industry that is chemically changed and extruded in fibers that are twisted into threads and woven. Our pure rayons from Indonesia come from fast growing woods that are specifically grown and harvested for this purpose. Rayon has many characteristics of natural fibers, but it is called a man-made fiber because it does not exist in nature."

So there you go.  Learn something new every day.

Next I layed out the pattern (Sew House Seven's Bridgetown Backless Dress) to check my yardage.

I wanted more dark blue than white since it was for a wedding (and I know white is becoming more acceptable, but this former Wedding Planner cringes thinking about it!) so I bound it up in a way where I thought it would be mostly blue.

Let me assure you... this is not the way for it to be blue. Remember, it was only my second time doing this!

 A few dips in the indigo (about 5 I believe) and this was unveiled! Clearly not all blue, or even mostly blue. But it was the design I wanted, so I'll give myself a pat on the back for that!

I pouted around the house for a night, lamenting my failed attempt at dyeing. I considered some other options including scrapping it, but then it hit me... just overdye it. One of the wonderful things about an indigo dye bath is that the dye is good for more than one use.

 Not the prettiest picture as it started to get windy and rainy outside, but here it is with one quick overdye. I was using a regular Home Depot taping style bucket so I didn't get everything as evenly saturated as I planned, but I loved the end result!

A close up of the mottling...

I started cutting everything out (and I won't lie... cutting this stuff out is a real pain. Similar to cutting water) and realized that what makes this fabulous glorious and flowy also makes it sheer and "body skimming". And this was a fall wedding. And I couldn't wear a bra with it, so a lining was necessary. I dyed the remaining yardage a deep, dark indigo for a skirt and front bodice lining. Of course I forgot to take a photo.

In fact, I was super careful to take photos of every step up until this point. At which point not only did I forget to take photos of the process, but I forgot to take photos of me in it.

So scrounging around for photos...

Here's a photo of the back that my husband took as we were on our way out of the hotel at the end of the night.

And here's the front! Look at my beautiful Goddaughter who was the flower girl (and freezing her butt off right here as I made her pose for a photo despite being 50 degrees out!).

I want to dye all the things now.... all of them...

Friday, October 9, 2015

Quilted Leaves-- "Quick" Fall Decor

Fall Decoration

After dropping my son off at preschool yesterday I stopped off to get a Chai Latte at Sarah's Coffee House in Hartford. I was longingly checking out the empty storefronts I passed on the way home dreaming about the day when Hartford Stitch has a brick and mortar and I can decorate a window with fabric-y goodness.

At home I popped on Facebook to check out some messages and realized we had a Cover Photo that was in need of some updating and I realized that could be my mini-storefront for the time being!

So I looked at the stack of projects I needed to work on: a dress to finish for a wedding this weekend, another for the following weekend, a couple of sample projects to photograph and of course the holiday gifts I haven't even started-- and decided it made total sense to push all those aside to work on something new (sometimes you just have to give in to a Creative Calling)!

Thanks to Pinterest I found the pattern and tutorial by BuzzinBumble on Quilting Board to make some quilted foliage. She provided excellent step-by-step drawings and I had everything on hand so I was patting myself on my back for such a simple project choice.

I made 8 leaves in a little over an hour. Then I got to the turning the bottom part under. Had I thought this through I would have left more of a seam allowance for turning, but of course I didn't and I really despise turning under small seam allowances.

I spied a piece of leather on my cutting mat leftover from another project, grabbed a leather needle and leather thread and went to work. And my machine jammed. Repeatedly. Then my other machine jammed. Repeatedly. I was trying to sew through 2 layers of leather, two layers of cotton, batting and quilting. I was so confused since I've sewn leather on to bags before so I tried again. Another jam. Then I remembered I've always used "vegan leather" which of course sews like a fabric. Whoops.

So my "I have everything for this project-- go me!" attitude turned into dragging the kids to the craft store to buy a sewing awl. And then figuring how to use it. Then hand punching all the holes for the leaves and sewing them. A bit more complicated than intended.

I love the look of the leather with the quilting though! If I were to do it again I wouldn't cut the half moon out of the bottom so that I could do a more narrow stem like on the red (Kaffee Fassett leaf). The other stems are bigger to cover that cut out.

Fall Decoration, Quilted Leaves, Fabric leaves

It may have taken my free time that should have been used for something on my Must-Do list, but I love these little leaves and they brightened up our facebook page and my home!! Though I have to say, right now I'm thankful I don't have to make enough to fill an entire storefront!